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Other Services

During your time with us we will provide you with all the necessary transport*, including a pick-up and drop-off service at the train & bus stations if necessary.

We will also provide you with any group equipment (e.g. tents, cooking equipment etc) which may be needed during the week.

On a personal level please refer to our list of recommended clothing and equipment which we suggest you bring with you. If you don't have something that is mentioned we are able to hire out certain items of equipment and clothing if you let us know in advance what you need. Alternatively, there are a variety of outdoor suppliers in the town who you will find are more than willing to assist you with the resupply or replacement of almost anything you may find yourself in need of. After a day out in the hills any damp or wet clothing & equipment can be dried by using our drying facilities.

In keeping with all other qualified outdoor providers (something that is not necessarily the case with other tour operators) we are Certified Outdoor First Aiders. Whilst we we will always have a group first aid kit with us you should still take responsibility for stocking and carrying your own personal first aid kit. However, please don't hesitate to let us know if you would like suggestions on what to put in it.

In addition to first aid kits we also carry two-way radios and other key safety items (e.g. group shelters) as considered necessary.

* Depending on routes & itineraries chosen there may be occasions where you will be asked to cover the cost of your ferry journey, entrance into certain ventures or participation in certain activities.

© 2018 by D Barden & Associates Ltd

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